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Alex Allan Nutrition

I was suffering with consistent thrush, lack of energy, bad sleep and general loss of the love for food. I knew most of this was diet related, and was hoping that Alex could give me guidance and knowledge with how to solve these issues. Alex was so supportive through the entire process. I couldn't have asked for more. No question I asked felt too silly or too small. Having the journal to record my food diary was so useful. If I needed help, Alex always gave alternative suggestions or tweaks to help with this with absolutely no judgement. Since completing the programme with Alex, my outlook on my diet has drastically changed. I am in good habits and I managed to adjust my style of eating to fit in with a busy family life with Alex's support and guidance. My gut issues have gone, I have managed to achieve better and more restful nights' sleep through changing my diet and lifestyle. This isn't something I thought would be possible just through diet, but is in itself life-changing. I now know how to make educated decisions about what to put into my body. This will also pass down to my young girls which is a huge positive thing for me. Trust Alex, she is passionate and very educated, having those two qualities together make for an exceptional nutritional therapist who can change your life for the better. I will be forever grateful.

AB, aged 36

I realised that my diet was almost a beige diet, I was eating more and more rubbish and feeling tired constantly, putting on weight and feeling very unhealthy. Alex was excellent, very supportive, non judgemental and easy to talk to. She was available for any questions during the full 12 weeks. Alex explained the reasoning for her recommendations and without her support I would not have managed to do as well as I did. All my hormonal symptoms improved, I lost over 10 lbs, I learnt to love food again and not comfort eat. I would fully recommend Alex to any friends and family wanting to make any changes in their life and diet.

AO, aged 40, Essex

I came to see Alex wanting to alleviate perimenopause symptoms, with complication of long term IBS- looking for holistic healthcare. Alex is such a great listener, she is patient, but also knows how to drive home an important message. She tailored the program into 'bite size' chunks so that changes to diet and lifestyle were built upon week on week. After finishing my 12 week programme, I feel in control of my diet and lifestyle and symptoms. I feel much more healthy than at the start of the program. I am headache free and my energy and focus has improved. I feel that I have a holistic and proactive program to keep healthy and I have ongoing support. But maybe more importantly I feel I have the tools and support to continue on the path to support my wellbeing and to look at my health as a whole. Jump in and trust Alex to guide you through the process, take it step by step and you'll be able to make changes without being overwhelmed. Alex is the perfect partner!

CO, aged 48

I came to see Alex with IBS and I was concerned about my gut which occasionally felt inflamed and gave me some irritation. The client experience was pretty easy. Alex put me at ease and explained things to me in ways I could understand. I think I have achieved a better understanding of what I need to do as far as making the right selections and how much of it is within my control. I've also been able to reintroduce foods that always gave me issues before. I enjoyed the energy levels I felt early on, and my gut felt better and I slept better. I would certainly recommend the program with Alex and would recommend Alex, and in fact I have.

DS, aged 54

After being initially diagnosed with PCOS, I would suffer with serious PMS at certain points in my cycle. I was constantly confused about how to manage the condition, with no real support and guidance available to me. I already had a good understanding of how to balance hormones, but I needed someone to help relate the information to my own body and experience. I was hoping to find a balance in my hormone levels - a happy place between the constant swings of high and low I had been experiencing. My biggest concern was that I would spend a lot of money and not notice any difference. This was happily not the case - I wish I spent this money 10 year earlier! Right from the start I found Alex approachable, warm and friendly, I always looked forward to our sessions. Her knowledge and understanding of my conditions was comforting - some months it was difficult to know if I was going in the right direction. Alex was always reassuring and supportive, listening to my needs and adapting the programme as we went ensuring it fitted my life style. My PCOS symptoms are much more balanced - life feels somewhat level again. When my hormones step out of line, I have the knowledge to bring them back in check. Since completing the programme people constantly tell me how well I look. I feel better than I have done in years. I feel more empowered to manage the symptoms of my conditions. I know that the process isn't the same every month and I have a whole tool box to choose from to help me balance my wellbeing. Doing this kind of work is life changing and the best investment you could make for your future self.

Emma, aged 36

I was suffering with ibs symptoms. The GP hadn’t given me any practical tips, just advised medication which I wasn’t keen to take. I hoped to get to the root of my problem and work it out from a place of knowledge. I knew the stool test would provide accurate information and Alex could use that to tailor my programme. Alex was always available if I had any questions. She was sympathetic and wanted to help. I have worked out which foods trigger me and I’ve lost some weight which I’ve managed to keep off. If I have a bit of an overindulgence then I know how to rectify it the following day to stop it from becoming a problem again. I do feel that I achieved what I wanted. Since doing the programme I’m more aware of what I’m eating and actively change the foods that I now know trigger my symptoms.

Gemma, aged 44

I came to see Alex because I was feeling generally unwell lots of abdominal pain and bloating, and felt miserable. I found Alex to be very helpful encouraging and understanding of what I was experiencing Alex did not judge me and when I felt I was failing or was a bit overwhelmed she talked me through and helped me back on track. I feel I have achieved a lot - I feel so much better and have changed my diet with ease and had great results. I have managed to stay on track keep up my fitness by walking and attending the gym, and am much more conscious of the importance of drinking water. I would say don’t keep thinking about it - do it! Alex will guide you and encourage you all the way with a tailored fit programme for you.

Jackie, aged 58

Due to my work circumstances, I had lost confidence, the pounds were piling on and I was not in a great place mentally. I was hoping that the programme would direct me on the right path both mentally and physically, assisting with better diet and seeing a weight loss as a result. I found Alex extremely helpful, very knowledgeable in her field and always on hand for advice. The documents I received were on point and resulted in a mindset change for me, Alex had a wealth of information and happily shared. My number one result was weight loss - I had tried many roots in the past and nothing worked, Alex took the time to explain the reasons and theory behind the weight gain I had. And making better choices - knowing what I should eat and when, Alex was excellent at researching my underlying health conditions to ensure I was eating the right foods. My food cupboards have changed dramatically, I know stock the right foods which allow me to make better choices when cooking at home. I am also more knowledgeable about me!! - what works for me and what doesn't, I definitely feel more confident eating better and seeing the weight coming off. Read all the information supplied, make the most out of the sessions, ask all your questions, Alex is great and coming back promptly - don't wait for your next session. Alex is such an engaging person, very knowledgeable in her field, you will see the results you are looking for.

Jannine, aged 58

I came to see Alex as I was exhausted, suffering with mood swings, low blood pressure, suffering with heavy periods and flooding, menstrual pain, recurrent thrush, nausea. I wanted to feel more like myself again - reclaim my energy and zest for life. Alex was fab - she always helped me to feel like I was supported and could do what she'd suggested! Since completing the programme I have increased energy, less fatigue, no more nausea, and weight loss. I also have a much better understanding of the impact of stress on my body and what I can do both from a nutrition perspective and lifestyle perspective to rectify this. Be open to taking on anything recommended and take responsibility for taking action. It works when you do the work!

LD, aged 35

After several years on different diets I couldn’t lose weight and with my little ailments I didn’t know what food was good for me, so I felt uncomfortable in my gut and my weight was creeping up. I wanted to try something totally new. I was hoping for some weight loss and finding foods that were good for me without it being part of another fad diet! Alex comes across as an extremely nonjudgemental and caring person. She has a really warm quality to her voice and I felt like I could tell her anything without being embarrassed or judged. My experience of the program has been extremely positive. The format of the program was great and covered all aspects of why we are doing what we are doing and the science behind it. I have found implementing the changes extremely easy and if I haven’t found certain foods nice, Alex has been able to give me alternative ideas. It has been great to eat full fat foods and still lose weight in this program. I feel I’ve achieved a better understanding of food. And I would say I am well on the road to achieving all my health goals if I stick to the programme. I would say this is the only program I have ever done with one on one expert advice focusing on my needs as an individual, totally designed for me. I would highly recommend Alex and let people know how sweet and professional she is, and if they stick to her advice they will definitely achieve their goals. I’d meet with Alex every two weeks for the rest of time if I could afford it, just to keep me in check!!

Tessa, aged 50

I came to see Alex as I continued to struggle with tiredness & stomach complaints. Alex is a motivating, encouraging, and knowledgeable coach. I found her very happy to discuss anything that I wanted to learn or understand. I have now created a better connection with my diet and lifestyle, and I have more clarity and understanding about my condition. And I feel more confident in making diet and lifestyle choices that can have a positive effect on my wellbeing.

Tracey, 51

Alex literally changed my little boy into a happy, healthy 12 year old. She also changed the way we ate as a family with what she taught us and advised us on. We had been back and forth from the doctors and nothing was changing. My son was suffering with extreme stomach pains to the point he was missing school and becoming very anxious at the issues this then caused in general life. After a full review and some amazingly interesting tests we had some clarity! Alex worked with us to implement the changes we needed to see a change and boy.... did we see a change! It was like we had a new child who was happy, free of anxiety and stomach aches and had increased energy and was sleeping better. He looked healthy and so many of our friends and family remarked on the change they saw in him too. I found the whole journey fascinating and didn't want our appointments to finish as they were so insightful. Thank you Alex for everything. A serious game changer and a lovely person.


Working with Alex has been very beneficial for my health. Alex is very knowledgeable and has a warm compassionate nature. She has helped me with my menopause and fibromyalgia symptoms and I highly recommend working with her to improve your diet and health. Thank you Alex for all that you do :)

Neeta D

When I found Alex I was feeling very unwell, long term stress caused gut issues, hormone imbalances, nutrient and vitamin deficiencies. I was desperate to feel better and after having an initial call with Alex, I felt she was the right person to help me. Alex was very compassionate, supportive and a breath of fresh air compared to other nutritionists I had worked with. She has a vast amount of knowledge and most importantly listens with empathy. After doing some tests through Alex, I was diagnosed with SIBO which was the root cause of alot of my issues. Alex put me on the right protocol to help heal my gut firstly with an elimination diet then a reintroduction diet, along with supplements and lifestyle change guidance. After working with Alex for several months, I'm thankfully starting to feel alot better, understand more about nutrition and how to support my health going forward. So if your having health issues (which quite often originates in the gut), then don't hesitate to give Alex a call, you won't regret it. Thank you Alex, you were a joy to work with, the best money I've ever spent. Keep doing what you do.

Sam G

12 weeks of working 1-1 with Alex and I'm feeling so good! Alex is a wealth of knowledge and a really smashing person. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend working with Alex.


I came to see Alex to manage my PCOS and lose weight. Alex is an amazing coach and the knowledge I have gained is priceless and will last me the rest of my life. I now have a better understanding of my PCOS, and Alex has repaired my relationship with food. If you're looking to sign up with Alex, you won't regret it!

HP, aged 26

I signed up with Alex to lose weight and body fat, and she was really helpful and supportive throughout. Working with her opened my eyes on how to eat properly and I lost 33lbs in total. I liked the new meals she gave me, reporting in the journal kept me on track, and I think she's done a brilliant job. I feel much more alert, I'm sleeping better and I now know what I should be eating to stay healthy. Do what Alex says - you won't regret it!

Danny, aged 25

I had been on yo-yo diets for over 30 years. I never really had a clue what to do to sustain weight loss. I craved food all day, drank too much wine and I wasn't sleeping well. Working with Alex was a very good experience - she was always positive, encouraging and available. She helped when I got stuck and had genuine empathy when I was struggling. I lost 23lbs and I feel a whole lot better, sleeping well and I've learned really important lessons. For the first time I feel like I know how to achieve weight loss. My wellbeing is good and I feel positive about the future. If you're thinking of working with Alex, go for it. It's a journey worth taking.

Jon, aged 52

"With high blood pressure and high cholesterol, I realised that a medicinal approach was not the only way. Looking at my diet and lifestyle choices which affect my diet also had a role to play. Working with Alex to understand and address my diet was a step to putting me on the right path. I found Alex and the programme excellent. Alex was able to explain the process clearly and concisely. She has a positive attitude, and you can tell she enjoys her work and helping people achieve results. The format of sessions was approachable and not too overwhelming given the amount of information discussed. I have without doubt adjusted and changed my approach to diet, cutting out and reducing some elements and increasing others. My satisfaction with regard to food has increased and I actually have been put off some of the foods I was previously eating that weren’t doing me much good. Listen to Alex. She knows what she’s talking about."

Simon, aged 50

“I was having a lot of trouble with IBS and experiencing pain and bloating when eating. I also suffered with acne and hirsutism. I felt that Alex was great with explaining the reasoning behind why I needed to change aspects of my lifestyle. I felt that Alex was very unjudgmental and approachable, and she really was good at understanding the challenges for me and worked around my life and needs. Even from the very start, the small changes that I implemented improved my health. I started to feel like I had more energy, my stomach issues lessened and, overall, I just felt better. As the sessions went on, this continued to improve, and I could not believe it when I stopped having stomach issues all together! I had not imagined that would have been an outcome at all. Since working with Alex, I have maintained the changes that she recommended. The understanding I have now about certain things that I eat, and the effect they may have, stops me from going back to my old habits.”

SW, aged 43

"I came to see Alex with anxiety and IBS. I had been suffering with IBS for a long time, equipped with out-of-date information and understanding from when I was first diagnosed with it 8 years ago. And whilst I appreciated that the digestive and nervous systems were closely linked, I didn't appreciate just how much the underlying causes for these two were linked. I found the nutritional therapy with Alex extremely helpful. I learned a lot about my body, as well as nutrition and how it fuels me. I also found it extremely helpful to do all the tests recommended by Alex, as it gave me a lot of insight. We covered a lot of ground in the sessions, so it was really helpful to have both the detailed and summary reports to refer back to and digest in my own time. I have really felt a difference since implementing Alex's suggestions. Now, I am a lot more aware of what I am putting into my body and how it affects me, physically and mentally. I am preparing a lot more of my own meals and making better choices even when I am eating out. I also have a lot more clarity on measures that I can take when I feel my conditions worsen from time to time due to external factors (e.g. increased stress). It was an extremely informative journey for me, and I would highly recommend it."

ZE, aged 32

“I came to see Alex after a relatively new diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and ongoing issues with indigestion/reflux, hoping to take some control with diet and lifestyle changes. I enjoyed the experience and found it fascinating! Alex is very enthusiastic and clearly passionate about her work, and the health reports were invaluable as a reference point to check understanding and also to renew motivation. As well as seeing a reduction in my symptoms, I feel I have reconnected with the pleasure of making healthier food for me and also my family.”

Sarah L, aged 46

Alex Allen

About Me

I'm a registered Nutritional Therapist BSc (Hons), Dip BCNH, mBANT, regCNHC.

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